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Sprouting 101: How should I store my sprouts?

Wonder how you should store your sprouts? The key takeaway is do keep them dry. There is no quicker way to kill your sprouts and microgreens than to refrigerate them wet, so make sure that they are reasonably dry before refrigerating. After harvesting your sprouts, you may either spread them on a paper towel to remove… Read more

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Sprouting 101: Can I sprout other seeds, grains or beans in the jar?

Apart from the 3 seeds we are selling at Sprouts in a Jar, there are a lot of seeds, grains or beans that you may try sprouting too. While for the question, the answer is yes for most of them with a few tricks. For example, basil, mizuna, mustard, cress and rocket belong to a… Read more

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Sprouting 101: What should I do if my sprouts are too humid

  Compared to a lot of places, Hong Kong is relatively hot and humid. This may affect the growth of sprouts and make your sprouts quality drop dramatically. We have to drain our sprouts very thoroughly especially if we are not sprouting at the place with air conditioner turned on. Fortunately, we can still grow… Read more