Plant Protein VS Animal Protein
Protein is an essential part of the diet. It helps to build, repair, and maintain the body’s structures. Foods derived from plants and animals can both provide protein, but there are some differences.
Characteristic of Plant Protein (such as Bean, Grain, Corn, Sprouts, Quinoa & Pea):
- No cholesterol
- High dietary fibre
- Low fat content (mainly unsaturated fat)
- Can reduce the concentration of total and bad cholesterol
- Contains rich diversified phytochemical such as isoflavones, lycopene, anthocyanin and antioxidants
- Provide people with the required minerals such as calcium, potassium and zinc
Characteristic of Animal Protein (such as Meat, Seafood, Cheese, Egg & Milk):
- High cholesterol
- Low dietary fiber
- High fat content (mainly saturated fat)
- Can increase the concentration of bad cholesterol and triglyceride
- Lack of phytochemical
- Mineral content is relatively simple, lack of calcium (except milk)
Most of the sprouts are very rich in plant protein. For instant, both clover and alfalfa sprouts contain up to 35% protein, making them an excellent way to add more plant protein to your diet. Plant some sprouts now and eat smart, eat green, eat healthy!
Want to learn more about sprouting?
- Learn how to sprout and how to grow microgreens with us.
- Check out our sprouting FAQ.
- Shop now for our sprouting kits.
This is very nice information. Thanks