Broccoli sprouts on preventing and treating hair loss
In Japanese supermarkets, broccoli sprouts are usually packaged in palm size and sold in vegetable counters. They are always mixed in salads or paired with meats and are very commonly seen on Japanese dining tables. But do you know that broccoli sprouts are also effective in preventing and treating hair loss?
One in four Japanese men suffer from hair loss, and as a result, they began to look for foods that can prevent or even treat hair loss. In 2014, Kindai University joined forces with the famous hair clinic “reve21” in Japan to release a study that have shown broccoli sprouts are effective in preventing and treating hair loss. And the effective ingredients in it can:
– Increase Human Hair Follicle Dermal Papilla Cells (HFDPC) by about 1.8 times
– Increase Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and BMP4 gene expression by about 1.4 times
In a nutshell, the result of this study found that broccoli sprouts can promote cell division of hair and help preventing and treating hair loss. The study was published in the 134th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan on March 27, 2014.
日本男性每 4 人中就有 1 人有脫髮的困擾,也因此,他們開始從食物裡尋找能預防甚至治療脫髮的營養素,日本近畿大學就於2014年和日本著名的毛髮診所「reve21」聯手發表研究顯示西蘭花苗對於預防和治療脫髮均有功效。而當中的有效成份能使:
– Human Hair Follicle Dermal Papilla Cells 毛乳頭細胞(HFDPC) 增生約 1.8 倍
– 細胞內的 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 頭髮生長因子 (VEGF) 和 BMP4 基因顯現約上升 1.4 倍
總括來說,此次的研究成果,發現西蘭花苗精可以促進毛乳頭細胞分裂,並讓基因活化。而關於是次研究,已發表於 2014 年 3 月 27 日的日本藥學會第134年會。