My Sprouts look moldy
Normally you see these white ‘mold’ just before your rinse and 99.9% of them are actually root hairs, especially when you are growing Broccoli or Radish. Try to rinse them and they should fall back to the main root. You probably would not see them again until your next rinse.
Of course, it is possible that your sprouts really have mold or fungus on them and the most common causes are:
1. Poor air-circulation, don’t put them in a closed cabinet.
2. Insufficient draining after rinses
3. A not clean enough sprout jar, sterilize when necessary.
4. Bad or old seeds (our seeds are fine)
Try to avoid them and keep your sprouts happy 😀
4.種子質素不良(Sprouts in a Jar的種子的高發芽種子未經化學處理,並且是非基因改造及無農藥,信心保證喔!)