Why do we consume wheatgrass?
Wheatgrass is a popular superfood, it is the freshly sprouted leaves of the common wheat plant (Triticum Aestivum). Wheatgrass is high in nutrients and antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E, as well as iron, magnesium, calcium and amino acids. It is not only good for juicing, but also loved by cats.
Growing Wheatgrass in a Jar
What we mean by ‘growing wheatgrass in a jar’ is ‘growing wheatgrass without soil’. The advantages of doing it this way is simply easy and clean. You don’t need to stock up soil or use big trays, all you need is any jar and a spray.
Here is how we do it:
1. Soak 10-12g of wheatgrass seeds in lukewarm water in our jar for 8-12 hours out of direct light (the darker the better). Drain the water from the jar after the soak.
2. Rinse and drain twice a day under running cool water to remove mould spores. Swirl and shake gently for 10 to 20 seconds before draining thoroughly. Repeat this process for 2 to 3 days until you see them sprouting.
3. After your seeds have sprouted, use a spray bottle to spray your wheatgrass with water twice a day. Only a small amount of water is needed, too much water will destroy the roots of your sprouts. Repeat this process for 3 to 5 days and they are ready for harvest.
4. On the day of harvest, expose your sprouts under lights for at least 15 minutes to let leaves turn green.
I. The darker the growing environment, the faster your sprouts grow.
II. You may see mould like root hair in the growing process, don’t panic, try to spray them and they should fall back to the main root. You probably would not see them again until your next rinse. (For more details on root hair, please refer to our blog post Sprouting 101: My sprouts look moldy )
Want to learn more about sprouting?
- Learn how to sprout and how to grow microgreens with us.
- Check out our sprouting FAQ.
- Shop now for our sprouting kits.
Great content! Keep it up! 🙂
Will you be selling wheatgrass seeds soon?
Hi Tyra,
We currently have wheatgrass seeds stocked in a partner cafe, you may check out our instagram post for more details: https://www.instagram.com/p/B8kgqS2jYZj/
Hope this helps 🙂